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2/4/2025 | 10:50 AM - 12:10 PM | Grand Peninsula D
Active 3D flat panel displays: A new implementation of an old idea
Michael Weissman | none
Peter Giokaris | none
We have developed a new approach to an old technique for viewing stereoscopic 3D imagery on computer monitors or TVs: the "active" (or "frame-sequential" or "time-sequential") method. We will discuss the need for this approach and its advantages and disadvantages. We will review some of its history, from CRTs (where it worked very well) to DLP projectors (where it also works well) to Liquid-Crystal Displays (where it only works under very limited circumstances). Today, new fast flat-panel technologies, such as OLED and micro-LED, have been developed. We will show that, with some careful considerations, the active method also works very well with the new OLED flat panels. We have also developed a "universal" method for synchronizing the display to active ("shutter") glasses. A demo will be provided in the Demo Session.
Active 3D flat panel displays: A new implementation of an old idea
Date and Location: 2/4/2025 | 11:10 AM - 11:30 AM | Grand Peninsula D